As Director of Photography, I strive to help translate a director’s vision into moving images. Instead of having an outspoken style, I do my best to give every project its own visual language. I do this conceptually as well as technically. As such it is vital to me to be attached to projects from the very beginning so that my visual ideas can get infused into a project from the start. I aim to tell stories about themes that I find important. Through the projects I work on, I hope that I can invoke the viewer with a sense of recognition or empathy. I believe it is our duty as artists to share different perspectives, hoping we might understand each other all just a little better.
Na de arrestatie: D.P.
Outside in (In post production): D.P.
Lawless Money Gambit 2 (In production): D.P. & Gaffer
Tournant (2020): D.P. & Producer
ENNE?! (2020): D.P. & Producer
HKU - Audio Visual Media
Openstudio - Orientatie jaar
Alberdink Thijm College - HAVO